
5 Benefits of a Cold Shower

November 9, 2015 • By

cold_showersA few months back I started hearing a lot about cryotherapy and the benefits of submerging yourself into cold temperatures for periods of time (ie shower or bath). At first, I thought it was crazy, sounded terribly uncomfortable and never imagined I would be able to tolerate the temperatures. I am a fan of my hot showers and at the time I was unwilling to give them up for colder temps.

As the time passed I started reading more into it, my husband started trying it out and I eventually caved and took my first cold shower. Now, don’t get me wrong, when I say cold shower I started with the temperature at around 80°. No way was I jumping into extreme temperatures to start with, nor should you. As I got accustomed to the cold, I slowly began to the lower the temperature little by little and can honestly say that I now love a cold shower.

WHY you should give it a try:

There is a lot of information on the internet about the benefits of cold showers. Instead of repeating a lot of those facts that you can easily find on your own, I want to share with you the top 5 benefits that I found most true and helpful to me. 

1.Cold showers improve your skin and hair- it’s true!

If you have ever had your hair colored, a good stylist will tell you to rinse your hair with cold water to preserve your color longer. You can apply that same idea to your skin. The cool water prevents your skin and hair from loosing too many oils during bathing which in turn keeps them shiny and healthy. And it’s free! 

2. Cold showers speed up muscle recovery- it works! 

As many of you may already know, professional athletes are accustomed to submerging themselves in cold tubs after practice or games in order to prevent muscle soreness and speed recovery. You can do the same for yourself in the comfort of your home without the expensive equipment or trainers. Just turn your water to cold and reap the benefits. Did I mention it’s free?

3. Cold Showers lower stress- sounds crazy but is proven.

The cooler temperatures act as an oxidative stress on your nervous system which in turn helps make you more resilient to the stressors of life. They also lower the levels or uric acid levels in your body. And to top it off, a cold shower can increase the activity of gluthathione, an antioxidant that helps improve the performance of all other antioxidants. Over time you will find yourself able to stay more calm, cool and collected no matter what life has to throw at you. 

4. Cold Showers increase testosterone- yes ladies, increased testosterone is a good thing for us too.

Testosterone is a predominately male hormone that is also found in small amounts in women. Many of us believe that testosterone in women will lead to chest hair and a deeper voice but this just isn’t true. This incredible hormone has been touted with increase in libido, increased muscle and bone strength and current research is showing benefits of reducing the risk factors for heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes- which are all things that us ladies can benefit from as well. 

5. Cold Showers burn fat- and this is also scientifically proven!

In order to explain this one, I’ve got to get a little scientific on you. Our bodies have two kinds of fat- brown fat and white fat. Brown fat is called known as Brown Adipose Tissue and is the “good kind”. It’s job is to keep us warm and when activated, it can help to burn off our white fat. White fat is the “bad kind” that our bodies stores when consume too many calories. Thus, when exposed to lower temperature, our brown fat kicks into gear and begins to burn excess stored calories. I do have to say that this is shown to vary from person to person but in combination with all of the other added benefits, I recommend giving it a try. 

 HOW to do it:

1.Start Slow. 

Speaking from my own experience, it took my quite some time to build up the courage to take my first cold shower. I should specify that you entire shower doesn’t need to cold, start with a warm shower and turn it to cold for 30 seconds to 1 minute at the end. If you enjoy it, try it again the next day and see how you feel.

2. Challenge yourself.

There is a lot of people on the interweb doing 30 day challenges and I really like this idea. Setting a goal is always a good step when trying something new. If 30 days is too daunting, try 2 weeks or even 1 week, whatever you see as possible for yourself. Once you set your goal, stick with it. The longer you stay with it, the more results you will see and the better you will be able to handle the cold. And remember, it doesn’t have to be an entire shower, just 30 seconds to one minute at the end of a regular shower. Every time you do it, it will get a little easier.

3. Have fun.

Remember that is supposed to be a beneficial practice to incorporate into your healthy lifestyle. If the idea stresses you out too much, it’s just not worth it. Revisit this practice at a later time when you feel ready to embark on the cold shower adventure.

If you like what have read and are ready to start the adventure of cold showers, I have created a Cold Shower Calendar to help you chart your challenge and keep you on track. Fill in your calendar with current month and days you will be doing your challenge and make it your goal to put one X through each day. One day at a time. Then come back and let me know what you thought and you feel at the end.

Good luck everyone and thanks for stopping by!
