Healthy Habits, Lifestyle

An Organized Life: Erin Condren

January 7, 2016 • By

Erin Condren ReviewIt’s a new year and you know what that means.. New Year’s Resolutions. I try to stay away from “resolutions” and instead I return goals that I feel need to be reset. One of the most important yearly goals that I tend to revisit is to stay organized! Life is hectic, between kids and careers and the in and outs of daily life there are many things that can get lost in the chaos and the rest can begin to pile up, quickly. While there are many tips, tricks and cool systems that can help to keep your home organized, I’m talking more along the lines of life organization. The goal is to keep daily life in order in hopes that it will lead to more time keeping the house in order. We can at least try, right?


The necessity to keep daily life in order really resonated with me when I began the adventure of starting my own business and I realized that I needed a place to keep my ideas, plans, notes, events, recipe ideas, doctors appointments etc in one place, so I turned to a day planner. If you have ever been in the market for planner then you already know how many different kinds of planners you can find… it’s INSANE. They come in all different shapes, colors, sizes and layouts. 

Like many of you, I tried a couple but found that nothing quite stuck or held everything I needed. There was always something lacking; until I discovered Erin Condren’s Life planners.  A few years back I saw a friend post of picture of her beautiful planner and after looking into them, I fell in love. Not only are they stylish but they are also very functional and each year they keep getting better. 

I am in no way affiliated with Erin Condren’s company, i’m just a lover of what she has created. To further explain the awesomeness of this planner, let me take you on a tour of my favorite parts and how I use it.

This planner is beautiful from start to finish. If going through the process of picking your out doesn’t get you excited, the arrival of the box definitely will. It’s bright and fun and thoughtfully packaged.

She’s always throws in freebies as a nice thank you to her customers. This year the gifts were a few samples of the products she offers, a nice postcard to send to a friend and an uplifting print that immediately made its way into a frame on my mantel. 

Erin Condren Set LifetsyleErin Condren Set LifetsyleErin Condren Set Lifetsyle

Last year she introduced interchangeable covers so that you can change the look of your planner after your initial purchase (which makes the decision making easier) and this year she offered multiple layouts in either vertical or horizontal columns (which makes the decision making harder). I stuck with the vertical columns because that what I’ve grown accustom to but either way, you can go wrong. 

I love the vertical boxes for many reasons. 

On a typical day, I use the top box to set my intentions for the day, write my workout, how I felt upon waking, etc. The middle box is where I write my to-dos for the exciting day ahead and the bottom box is used as small journal for anything memorable that I want to look back on someday. The lines on the bottom are great for meal planning!

Erin Condren Set Lifetsyle

My favorite things about this book are the positive and motivational quotes spread throughout and the planning stickers that come standard with every planner making it easy to keep dates, appointments, birthdays and daily tasks organized. 

Erin Condren Set Lifetsyle Erin Condren Set Lifetsyle

Erin Condren Set Lifetsyle

I can’t express enough of how much this planner has helped organize my life. It’s a place for my future, my present, my ideas and as the year goes on, it becomes a place for me to reflect on where I’ve been and helps me remember where I’m going.

Please check out her site, feel free to ask me any questions and let me know how your planner has enhanced your organization!

Thanks for stopping by and cheers to a bright year ahead!
