
Mobility Training 101

September 21, 2015 • By

If the term mobility is new to you, you are not alone. Up until a year ago, I was also in the darkmobility training 101 on this topic. However, after being introduced to this concept, it is now a staple in my daily routine. My goal today is to take a closer look and break down what mobility training is, why it is such an important part of routine, and when to incorporate into your Sustainable Training program. 

First lets define the term mobility. 


the ability to move or be moved freely and easily.

WHAT is mobility training? 

Mobility (or joint mobility) is the ability to move a limb through the full range of motion with control. Our bodies will be tense in different areas each day, so it important to stimulate all of the major joint structures through a full range of motion. 

Mobility training is crucial in making sure our bodies, especially our joints, are operating to the best of their abilities. All of our muscles are attached to our joints, thus it is imperative that our joints must be functioning properly for our muscles to grow, recover and operate correctly. Mobility training is one of the most important factors in developing a Sustainable Training program and optimizing our musculoskeletal health.

WHY use mobility training.

Mobility exercises are a great way to not only improve flexibility but optimize physical performance both in and out of the gym. 

Some of the main benefits are:

  • Improved range of motion of joints and muscles
  • Better posture
  • Improved body awareness
  • It even alleviates everyday aches and pains

We lead extremely sedentary lives in today’s predominantly office worker age. Sitting in a chair at a desk, while hunched over a computer is a recipe for a compromised structure full of imbalance and continual pain. This leads to limited range of motion in the joints and when this happens the joint is considered to be compromised.

When compromised movement is present in a joint, surrounding joints take up the slack, creating extra stress all around. Therefore, poor mobility in one area can eventually cause pain in different areas of the body. Joint mobility exercise stimulates and circulates the synovial fluid, which ‘washes’ the joint. The joints do not have direct blood supply, so they are nourished by this synovial fluid, which simultaneously removes waste products. Calcium deposits are also dissolved and dispersed with the same gentle, high-repetition movement patterns. Properly learned, joint mobility can restore freedom of motion to the ankles, knees, hips, spine, shoulders, neck, elbows, wrists and fingers. If there were such a thing as a fountain of youth, joint mobility exercises come very close.
 Mobility TrainingMobility Training

WHEN to do mobility training

Mobility can be used as an optimal warm up to a workout or is a great addition to an active recovery day of training. If using mobility as a warm up, the increased blood flow to the muscular system reduces the likelihood of injury and ramps up the nervous system in anticipation for the demand of the upcoming training. It also primes the joints and the connective tissue for the stress they will endure during the workout. 

Mobility training can also be used as a stand alone workout on active recovery days. Taking the time to loosen up all the major joints structures and especially any place where aches or pains are present is very important. Recovery days are a great time to do a full mobility routine followed by some static or dynamic  stretching movements. There tends to be a use or loose it philosophy when joint range of motion is concerned, so at least 10 minutes a day is a good starting point. I enjoy doing mobility upon waking up in the morning. It loosens up my body, is a energizing recharge and starts my day on the right foot. 

Life takes it’s toll on us as we age. Not to mention the demands from any workout program create musculoskeletal stress. Mobility training can help us combat the aging process as well as keep us injury free while keeping up with our Sustainable Training program. No matter how it is incorporated, using a consistent mobility training program will leave the body feeling rejuvenated and more youthful.

For more information on how to do mobility movements read here.


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