
Sustainable Training 101

September 9, 2015 • By

Sustainable Training 101At SET Lifestyle, we like to take care of our bodies with not only what we eat but also how we train, or workout. Taking care of ourselves inside and out is an important part of the S and the T in our name, Sustain and Thrive. The term we use for the type of training that we
do is called Sustainable Training. You may be wondering what this means or how you, too, can implement the techniques of Sustainable Training into your life. Well then, today is your lucky day because I am going to break it all down and further explain this concept. 

WHAT is Sustainable Training?

First, I think it is important to define each of the included words to get a basic understanding of the term at it’s most basic meaning. 

* Sus·tain·a·ble

 – able to be maintained at a certain rate or level

* Train·ing

–  the action of undertaking a course of exercise and diet in preparation for a sporting event.                

Now, I am not a believer that one must be preparing for a sporting event to use the word “train”. I strongly believe movement is medicine and that we should all be better prepared for the sport of life or at least stay active in an attempt to age gracefully, no? Just my humble opinion. No matter your reason for starting an exercise routine, I think we can gather from those definitions that Sustainable Training is choosing a plan of exercise that I can be maintained. Easy enough, right? 

WHY to sustainably train?

Starting your own routine can really benefit your health and overall wellbeing. Making it a point to workout daily is a healthy habit that can help you in many ways. Moving your body can prevent a number of diseases, improve body strength, improve stability and help you lose weight. Regular exercise can even promote better sleeping patterns and boost your self esteem and release endorphins, leading to a happier  you. Making your routine sustainable can increase the long term benefits by: decreasing risk of injury, helping the body to feel better after workouts, and in turn lowering the chance of becoming discouraged and quitting. In a sustainable training program there are not many “off days”, just “recovery days”. We leave the body feeling healthy, energized and ready for whatever life throws our way. 

About Sustainable Training

HOW to get started?

So now that you know what Sustainable Training means and why it’s a beneficial way to train, let’s talk about how you can incorporate it into your lifestyle. For some, getting started is easy. For others, it can be more difficult to get up and get moving. When starting a new sustainable fitness program, or any program for that matter, there are several things required to make sure you follow through to your end goal. Many people have fitness goals but fail to follow through with them; we have all been there. The key is commitment! Once you have made the commitment to start a fitness routine, you have to decide on what your end goal is. Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to build muscle? Or are you looking for complete physical improvement? It is important to decide on your goals because it will determine what type of workout program you should follow. Find a workout regime that will work toward your goals. 


Here are 3 tips on getting started with a Sustainable Training program:

1- Start with a Health-First approach

I would prefer that you try not to think of training as a means to lose weight quickly or for a quick fix, but rather a lifestyle change that will become a new and exciting part of your daily life. Try to view working out as a way to feel better, increase energy, improve your mood and heal yourself. 

If you feel sluggish and slow during the work day, start your morning with a 10-20-minute walk or mobility session to loosen the joints and get your blood flowing. If you’re looking for more than that, start lifting weights to increase sleep quality so you can wake up reenergized. Being healthy doesn’t require hour-long sessions to see benefits, rather a 20-minute weight training workout can be very effective, and it can be done with very few movements. Quality over quantity

2- Schedule your training

One of the most important things to do when starting a fitness routine is making the commitment to work out consistently. This means deciding on a regular workout schedule that works for you. Whether you work out at home or attend a local gym, you must do more than simply decide to exercise, you have to make the time for it as well. Make training part of your daily routine.

To begin, take a look at your planner or calendar to schedule your daily workout as you would any other important errand or appointment. The best part is, it’s on your time, so you can fit it in wherever your day allows. Early morning training sessions can give you an incredible energy boost for the day. Lunch time or midday workouts can re-energize your batteries and give you the extra focus needed to get through the afternoon. Evening workouts can help you unwind from a long day and give you that sense of accomplishment as you close out the day. Point being, there is always time, it’s just a matter of finding it and pin pointing when you can fit YOUR training into YOUR day.

Once you have your schedule set, try creating a trigger that reinforces your plan’s importance within your mind. This is a great way to help you stay on track. For example- try taking a “before” picture of yourself and post it somewhere you can regularly see it. You could post it to your bathroom mirror, car dashboard, refrigerator, etc; anywhere that will make it a constant reminder of what you are working for

3- Consistency > Intensity 

Think of working out like saving for retirement. You won’t get there with one paycheck. It takes time, About Sustainable Trainingattention, and most importantly, consistency. The fittest people I work with don’t train their hardest every time, but they train consistently and remain focused. You don’t need to feel like you just went 10 rounds with Mike Tyson to have an effective workout. Many people get discouraged after a few days or weeks when starting a new fitness routine when they don’t see fast results but it is important to understand that the body needs at least one month of regular workout activity to respond. After that it can take another month before results begin to show depending on your starting point

In closing, remember that Sustainable Training can work for any person from any walk of life. Getting started is important but getting prepared before you actually start is equally important. If we have a solid mental image of what the future of our journey looks like and how we will handle the stumbling blocks that will come our way, we can better prepare ourselves. Being mentally prepared and knowing what it is you need to do is half the battle. Then,  just do it (thanks Nike).

Remember to always keep in mind, it is not where you start but where you finish that matters!  

Thanks for stopping by!
